It was a daunting goal, with many, many steps along the way, but I knew I could do it; I wanted to do it.
Since that time, there have been many positive steps forward in fulfilling
my strategic plan, and a few steps backward. Some steps forward were planned,
and others presented themselves unexpectedly. As I came upon those unexpected
opportunities, the loudest voice in my head was that of a friend who constantly
asks those with whom they come in contact – what are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for, indeed.
Recently, another friend announced that she was taking the same giant leap
of forming her own company. As we talked about the courage it takes to make
that decision and move forward, I found myself asking her many of the questions
that were asked of me almost 2 years ago.
- What
products or services are you offering?
- What is
your target customer base?
- How will
you reach/communicate with them?
- What makes
your company different from all of your competitors?
- What will
your brand look like?
- Tell me about your strategic plan and goals
Quite honestly, the decision to do something – anything – is the easy
part. It’s the strategic planning and then execution that takes all your time, effort, and resources.
This is also the easiest place for you to get bogged down, and eventually
question your decision to strike out on your own in the first place (or whatever the decision may be).
Getting mired in the minutia can easily provide 101 reasons why you can’t
do something today, next week, or next month.
So, how do you guard against the “I can’t do it right now because…”
mindset? It’s easier than it seems; really.
Whether you are your only employee,
or you have 1,000+ employees, it is vitally important that you build a team
around you that gives you the support to do what needs to be done, when it
needs to be done.
You need a team of friends, colleagues, peers, and staff that will ask,
“What are you/we waiting for?” You need people who are supportive of your
efforts, and are not afraid to let you know that you may have taken an
unnecessary or possibly detrimental side trip off the strategic path.
We’ve all heard that nothing worth-while is ever easy. However, that
does not mean that every step forward has to be like pulling teeth from a dinosaur.
In truth, sometimes you just have to
make yourself take that step. Sometimes you just have to tell yourself, “Today
is the Day,” and move forward.
In 26 days I will achieve the half-century mark in age. I’ll be 50. Whoohoo!!! I’m excited about Life
After 50, and all the possibilities ahead. So, in writing this particular blog
today, I once again have to ask myself, “What am I waiting for?”
What are you waiting for?
founding her own consulting firm in 2013, Dawn
Gannon served as a respected project management and administrative operations
professional in the military, higher education, and women’s healthcare fields
for 25 years. She holds a Masters of Business Administration and a Graduate Certificate
in Organizational Management from American Public University, is a contributor on LinkedIn, and the author
of the Management
in Motion blog.
currently serves as the Past Chair of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s Women’s Council, and teaches
health and safety classes for the American
Red Cross. As an infertility survivor she has been a featured speaker within
the Fertility Community, and written numerous articles on the topic of
childfree living.