Monday, February 24, 2014

I Quit!

Your VP for Research and the Associate VP of Marketing have both resigned in the last 30 days to take positions with different competitors. 

Disappointing, yes; but nothing to worry about, right?

However, your HR Director just left your office after sharing startling statistics on employee retention, which suggests that very few stay with your company for more than 2 years, especially in the Research and Marketing departments.

What is going on, and why hasn’t this been brought to your attention before now? Or, has it and you just didn’t understand what was actually being conveyed?

Perhaps you should talk with your remaining leadership team members, and ask your HR Director to initiate an employee survey to ascertain employee satisfaction and solicit feedback for improvements. 

Based on the information already provided, it seems certain that an organizational strategic change initiative is in order. Maybe it’s the politics, or the culture, or the work process itself. Maybe it's a little bit of all of those, and more.

For example, a friend came to me recently for advice on how to deal with some issues she was facing at work. Since we have been friends for a very long time, she knew I had faced similar challenges, and wanted validation for the options she saw as viable for her particular situation.

It seems the politics in her organization have completely taken over good management practices. Until now, she has done her best not to participate in the games her colleagues seem to enjoy and clearly benefit from based on the promotions and frequent public “at-a-boys” they receive, while she and her efforts are overlooked. 

Regardless of her qualifications and superior work performance, her unwillingness to play the game has cost her two promotions and given rise to the perception that she is not a team player. 

As we see it, her options are: 1) start playing the politics game and build additional strategic relationships within the company so that she is seen as a team player and can start getting the recognition for her efforts, or 2) find a new position with a different company.

Now is not the 
time to be complacent

Based on the resignations noted at the top of this blog and like my friend’s situation, could politics and a culture that supports promotions based on the participation in cliques be the core issue in your organization?  

Before you shake your head and say, ‘of course not,’ make sure that the survey conducted by HR includes questions about culture, politics, upward mobility and team cohesion.

Better yet, contract an organizational development professional to provide an unbiased company evaluation, and then work with them to design a strategic change initiative to address the issues revealed.

While it may appear that the culture of promotion via politics is widely accepted, it really isn't. In fact, it is patently toxic to the success of your organization!

Now is not the time to be complacent, thinking that these resignations and the data from HR are just small bumps in the road. 

Now is the time to lead by example, to take action to ensure your organization becomes the one everyone wants to work for; not the one they use to get experience and then leave for better opportunities.

Before founding her own consulting firm, Dawn Gannon served as a respected management professional in the military, higher education, and healthcare fields for 25 years. As a Lean/Six Sigma Green Belt, Dawn’s commitment and personal mission to improve the lives of others through service to the community focuses on providing administrative and volunteer management, consumer education, public outreach, event planning, relationship-building efforts, and strategic planning. She is the author of the Management in Motion blog, and has written a number of articles for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association on the topic of childfree living.

Monday, February 17, 2014

When All Hell Breaks Loose

“We have to make quick decisions or all Hell will continue to break loose. I can’t believe we didn’t see this coming!”

I suspect all of us have been in this situation more times than we care to admit, whether we were leading the effort or simply a cog in the decision-making wheel. 

You have been there a time or two. What did you do? 

Either way, the answer brings to mind two additional questions:
  • How did you make your decisions?
  • Did they turn out to be the right ones, or should you have done something else?

Lately, I’ve seen a lot of blogs and research articles on how the quality of leadership affects the decision-making process. I realize that it seems to be obvious that a good leader makes good decisions, while a poor leader makes poor decisions. One of the more interesting articles I have read on this topic lately, found in the Harvard Business Review, expands on this theory while exploring the question of how a poor leader affects his/her subordinates and vice versa.  

While the authors present some interesting conclusions to their research, I find that I need to delve a little deeper, and ask the elephant-in-the-room question: given the same information and resources, what causes a leader to make a good or bad decision when all Hell breaks loose?

Is it a lack of training or support from upper management or the Board? Is it a slight hesitation due to a fear of choosing the wrong option? Or, perhaps choosing to do what has worked before – although safer – did not adequately address the needs and requirements of the current situation.

Regardless, as you are putting out fires and salvaging what you can from the ruins, making good decisions require good leaders to:

  • Identify and focus solely on the exact issue. There will be many other side issues that appear to be important, but are really only manifestations of the core challenge.
  • Identify and evaluate your options, both inside and outside the proverbial box. Although your gut instinct will generally point you in the right direction, you need facts and figures to support your decision.
  • Just do it. Do not hesitate; make the decision and let it go. The old saying, “timing is everything” is just as true in business as it is in life.

In short, good leaders focus on solving the actual problem and make fact-based decisions quickly when all Hell is breaking loose. Poor leaders hesitate and make decisions without adequate information to support their choice of fire companies to put out the flames.

 Before founding her own consulting firm, Dawn Gannon served as a respected management professional in the military, higher education, and healthcare fields for 25 years. As a Lean/Six Sigma Green Belt, Dawn’s commitment and personal mission to improve the lives of others through service to the community focuses on providing administrative and volunteer management, consumer education, public outreach, event planning, relationship-building efforts, and strategic planning. She is the author of the Management in Motion blog, and has written a number of articles for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association on the topic of childfree living.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Sleep is Over-rated

EDITOR’S NOTE: This week, Management in Motion is pleased to welcome a guest blogger, Johnny Slater, founder of Lochshire Technology

For the last few weeks I have had an extreme problem with being able to sleep. I just can’t make myself sleep, no matter that I walk around completely exhausted.

I'm beginning to understand why. I feel something growing inside me that once was there but has been missing for a very long time. I have become aware of a growing sense of passion and restlessness regarding my long absence away from the online work I started so many years ago.

Three years ago I stepped away from everything I was doing to take care of my wife. It was something that I needed to do, and I did gladly without any regret. I always put my family first above all else, so there was no question that my wife and her needs would come before mine.

However, recently I have had the opportunity to slowly dip my foot back into the waters and take small steps towards rebuilding what once was. The restlessness is the fact that I have been away for so long that I just can't wait to get back into it full time and my mind just can't stop coming up with new ideas.

The passion is that it is something that I love doing and something that I was born to do. I love the freedom that having an online business affords me, and the ability to run a business and still be here for my family means more to me than anything ever could.

Life has a way of throwing roadblocks in front of you and most people tend to get bogged down instead of finding ways to go around. My sincere wish for everyone who reads this is that you find your passion and follow it, where ever it may lead you. Get out of your comfort zone and follow your dreams.

Don't let setbacks and roadblocks
stop you from following your chosen path.

Look for ways to go around, above, or under any situation that stands in your way and be prepared to have to put your travel on hold for a time every once in a while.

However, never sacrifice your passion. If you have to take time off from what you want to do to take care of what you need to do that is completely fine, but never completely walk away from your dreams.

If you step away for a time and then come back later, you just might find you get even more from your path and you appreciate it even more for having to step away for a time.

I can't describe the feelings I have been experiencing lately. I am full of a renewed sense of who I am and what I want to accomplish with my life, and I hope everyone could feel the sense of renewed self confidence that I have begun to experience.

I think I have rambled enough for someone who hasn't had a decent night’s sleep in a week, so I guess it's time to try to get 2 hours of sleep before I need to get the kids up for school. 

Goodnight to all.

Johnny Slater is a programmer, internet marketer, and founder of Lochshire Technology, an ecommerce solution firm. From simple single purchase scripts to total membership solutions, Johnny has spent years creating software that is easy enough for beginners to use, but also has the power that veteran marketers need. He not only creates some of the most powerful solutions available, but backs them up with a level of personal customer support not found anywhere else. Find out more about Johnny and Lochshire Technology at

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Patience & the Groundhog

The groundhog saw his shadow yesterday, so that means six more weeks of winter. Right? Great. Wonderful. Awesome.

As you can probably tell, I’m not that enthusiastic about more snow and cold weather.  However, there is not much I can do to change the length of the seasons, or to convince Mother Nature that she needs to bring us some warm, sunny weather instead of the snow currently coming down and covering the ground at an alarming speed once again as I write this blog.

What I can control, however, is my response to the innate desire to speed up the seasonal process, and see the snow-covered brown grass turn a bright, lush green. However, it has been said that the words “Dawn” and “patience” are never used in the same sentence, unless of course it is someone (usually my husband), lamenting my lack thereof.

In business, cultivating the skill of patience, while a project, program, or initiative progresses naturally is essential to its success. For instance, when you and your leadership team developed the strategic plan for your organization, how far out did you plan? Two years? Five years? 10 years? 

As time went by, did you find yourself wishing or doing something so that the process would move a little faster than those two, five or 10-year time frames? I think you know what I mean...

In an article for Research Technology Management in 2009, Parry M. Norling wrote: “[p]atience and impatience are partners in innovation if applied in the right mix and at the right targets.” In other words, acquire the skill of knowing when to act quickly, but not impatiently, and do so only with the data and research to support your actions. Acting impatiently just because things aren't moving along fast enough for your tastes only sends you down the road to failure.
Using that perspective, I believe I’ll look around and find the beauty in the quickly falling snow, rather than cursing the groundhog, who really isn't a meteorologist anyway.

Happy Monday! 

Norling, P.M. (2009). In innovation, is patience a virtue? Research Technology Management, 52(3), 18-23.

Before founding her own consulting firm, Dawn Gannon served as a respected management professional in the military, higher education, and healthcare fields for 25 years. As a Lean/Six Sigma Green Belt, Dawn’s commitment and personal mission to improve the lives of others through service to the community focuses on providing administrative and volunteer management, consumer education, public outreach, event planning, relationship-building efforts, and strategic planning. She is the author of the Management in Motion blog, and has written a number of articles for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association on the topic of childfree living.